Phantoms were active at J.O.D. Rob Lynch
thrilled the crowd with on-the-deck 8 point rolls and worm awakening inverted
passes with his RAM 1000 powered Phantom.
Tim Redelman showed a new paint
job he put on Billy Harrod's F-4. The Vietnam era camo scheme on the "E" nose
version is extremely attractive.

A 4th Phantom flown by Johnny Hernandez was also flying
but packed away during this group photo. The Blue Angel and its fabulous smoke
system now has about 70 flights on it. The AMT AT-280 engine has been
The BVM bifurcated tailpipes have been
slightly beefed up from their original configuration and are enduring very
 Illustrating the attendance at J.O.D. '01 is
this view from the BVM pit area located about mid

Pretty girls always add to a jet event. Here, Tracy
Redelman, Maria Helvacioglu, and Taylor Redelman are taking a break from their
supportive efforts to keep husbands (father) Tim and Amet on the flight
MiG-15's were popular at
Jay Smullen got his brand new and perfectly
built and finished model checked out and test flown by Tom
Larry Kramer (right) assisted Steve Heyer with
another great looking Parade scheme MiG. Larry is one of the smoothest jet
pilots you'll ever see and flew at least 30 times during the
Marc Piette is having great success with his brilliant
orange MiG-15. Young Marc (15yrs old) is a very competent
BANDITS - We know they are
popular at jet events and here are a few new ones you may not have
Jorge Escalona from Miami, Fl was flying this
great looking, RAM powered Bandit. You can see how much he likes
it. |
John Burdin is
rightfully pleased with his Steve Jaworski built compositeBandit. Many
flights during the event attests to John's flying skills and the proper
preparation and servicing of the model.
 Albert and Rei are showing the fine points of
the new RAM auto start and ECU to Mitch Weiss.
All the way from Brazil, this superbly finished balsa
Bandit was built and flown by Celso De Santi. Celso powers his balsa Bandit
with a RAM 750+.
Dave Valdez - your "wing man" at BVM is enjoying the 2nd
season on this BVM .91/Viojett powered Maverick Pro. The orange and white
scheme was borrowed from a Navy Skyhawk. |
A Rafale, viewed in the early morning light, is equipped
with 3 long range tanks and missles. A twin RAM 750 plus powered system
provides the umph! Antonio Tahan developed a nifty electronic device to allow
individual operation of each engine during the auto-start sequence. The model
belongs to the RAM team and is equipped with their new "totally modern"
electronics. (The twin engine device is available through
We are very pleased with the acceptance of the
F-100. The Deland R/C club judges picked it for the "Best Scale Turbine" award.
Besides looking good in the pit area, the "Hun" is an excellent flyer and rock
solid on the approach and landing. On one flight, the gear door cycler device
malfunctioned so it landed early with about 6 pounds of fuel remaining. The
slat and flap equipped wing handled it beautifully.
with the 40" long tanks slung under the wings, the top end speed of this AMT
AT-280 powered jet is amazing. The thin wings and tails offer little resistance
to 28 pounds of thrust. Throttle management is necessary to keep it below
200mph. Kent Nogy is working hard to ready his first production Super Sabre for
Top Gun 2001, you may see it fly at Florida
Note on landing gear door controllers: We have found that the
DBW device works best for cycling doors such as those on our F-100, Rafale and
Sabre jet. The Jomar device works great on the F-4 Phantom and the other jets
that do not feature full cycle operation of the doors.
Part numbers and
pricing for gear door sequencers to be posted shortly. |