About 30 pilots from the southeast gathered in the very small town of Homerville, GA to enjoy their sport at the local airport.
The 100' x 6,000' asphalt runway is in minimal use by civilian sport aviators until the jet group arrives. Homerville's one motel and one restaurant (Jimbo's Bar-B-Que) enjoy an economic bump when we arrive.
These kinds of settings offer our sport real growth potential. Sure, you have to travel to get there, but the unrestricted flying from a large runway and the cordial welcome from the local people make it worthwhile.
Thank you to Allen Smith and the local R/C club (Okefenokee R/C modelers) for their efforts on behalf of jet modeling.

Joe Rafalowski came from Atlanta, GA to fly his RAM 750 powered Bandit. We were impressed with Joe's perfect axial rolls in the vertical - a seemingly endless number of them. He must have the aileron differential adjusted perfectly.

In his spare time Joe is a Captain with Delta, and yes, there is a story behind the name Turbodog.

Dee Miller gets a lot of assistance for the first flight on his AMT 180 powered Bandit. It was very successful as is the case with all properly prepared Bandits.

Jet pilots and NASCAR enthusiasts are busy in their pit area. Nice models - bad photo.

Gordon Dickens brought his MiG-15 and F-86 with JET-CAT power to Homerville's huge smooth runway.
Gordon uses the short Dean's antenna for good results with radio range and the JET-CAT power system.

Billy Harrod flew his RAM 1000 powered "Phabulous Phantom" many times during the meet. The engine, airframe and landing gear systems all worked well.

Joel Patrick, from Valdosta, GA with son and friend exercised the Maverick Pro several times. BVM .91 and Viojett powers the Mav - Mavericks are very popular DF sport jets.

Larry Kramer truly deserved the Top Gun award. He flew more frequently and in great smooth style with his gorgeous Bandit. The AMT USA AT-180 with Auto-Start worked perfectly.

BV flew the VIOFAN powered balsa Bandit, the RAM 750 powered MiG-15 and the AMT USA AT-280 powered Phantom. The Blue Angel is very popular with the spectators at any fly-in.

Mitch Weiss - now known as "The Cigar Man" flew his MiG-15, Bandit and Kangaroo, all AMT USA powered, and thoroughly enjoy this laid-back jet event. Trailers & tents are essential if you are as serious about jets as Mitch is.