Afterburner Jet Rally 2000

Tom Dodgen was kind enough to take some photos at the Mississippi
Afterburner Jet Fly-In 2000 and forward them to BVM.

In case you don't know,
this is one fun time with jet models and great people. Vernon Montgomery
and Dennis Lott put it together annually and see to it that those who attend
thoroughly enjoy themselves.

A few newly finished BVM jets made their first outing at Miss. so we
will feature them first.
 Great looking Bandit - great photo.
 This model was built by Tom Dodgen for Rick
Yelverton - both Rick & son Lee got some stick time on it at the
event. |
Another father/son team enjoyed
the event. Hicks Milner and son Lanier flew this Bill Harris built Maverick
multiple times. Good paint scheme for a cloudy day. |
Orange and white with military
markings also look great on this composite Bandit "V" by Bill Hanson from
Fenton, Missouri. Notice the effect of graphics spanning the two colors - paint
scheme was borrowed from a Fury. Bill appears quite pleased with his
jet. |
Vernon Montgomery's Bandit with
RAM 750 power also received a Hi Viz military scheme. |
Rob Lynch executes his famous low
altitude knife-edge with his RAM powered BVM Sabre jet - cool
thumbs! The RAM 750 is turned way down in power so
as not to overstress the airframe that was originally designed for Ducted Fan
power. The conversion is not a BVM product because we are concerned about the
safety issue. Only very experienced modelers like Rob can handle such a
project. |
You see the top hatches off the
models a lot because most pilots charge every two or three flights; many use
the Graupner Ultra Duo Plus II charger. It is the best because it lets you
really know your batteries. This yellow Bandit
belongs to Hicks Milner. Paint scheme borrowed from an Ultra Viper that resides
in the BVM showroom. |
Sam Snyder must be enumerating
the many fine points of his MiG-15 to Don Reger and son. |
The nose cone of the BVM Phantom
F-4E removes with just one screw providing convenient access to charge both the
receiver and engine pump batteries. Billy Harrod exercised the RAM 1000 powered
"Rhino" in Missouri National Guard markings several times during the
event. |
 Tom Dodgen's venerable Ultra Viper has been around for
years and still looks great. The winglets are Tom's personal signature to this
BVM .91/Viojett powered speedster.
 JR 10X radios are very
popular with jet pilots. Lot's of nice programming features, great new metal
gear digital servos and a full 10 channels. |