Jet Rally
16-18 Nov 01
by Bob

It has been two years since we last traveled west to demonstrate
some of the latest BVM jets. After the great time we (BV and Tom Dodgen) had at
this meet, we plan to make at least one western event per year.

Two Jet Cases, two
BobCat boxes, a couple of airline tickets, rental SUV and the support of Kent
Nogy and his totally equipped "Super Savanna Jet Van" allowed us to enjoy a lot
of flying from the 750' x 75' runway of the Arizona Model Aviators.

Our customers and west coast reps had the event covered
pretty well with the presence of Bandits, BobCats, F-16's, MiG-15's, Sabre jets
and Rafales.

factory F-100D seemed to have added a little to the show and I am very pleased
that it won the People's Choice and Pilot's Choice awards.

Perfect flying
conditions for 3 days provided all of the 81 pilots unlimited flying
opportunity, it was a rare moment if there were less than four jets in the
Each day began with honoring our
nation's flag. Here Color Guardsmen Jeremy Mckenna and Josh Kneisel in their
high school ROTC uniforms take a moment with an Air Force fighter from their
grandfather's generation. They later changed clothing to participatte in the
event. |
BVM thanks all of our
California reps for doing a great job with BVM Jets and
customers. |
Chris Huhn developed his own
modification to install a JetCat P-80 into a BVM F-16 - the results were
fantastic. NOTE: BVM has all of the parts and plans to turbinize the F-16 for
RAM 500, SWB Mamba, and the AMT Mercury, the P-80 is a squeeze but Chris made
it happen. Click to read more on the F-16
conversion. |
Tony Frackowiak brought and flew
his BobCat (RAM 500), MiG-15 (RAM 1000), and Bandit (RAM 750), each many times.
Tony offered several other pilots some stick time on the BobCat to demonstrate
how easy and smooth this jet flys. Having it properly trimmed (see Tony's article -
click here) allows the guest pilot to fully appreciate the aerodynamic
attributes of this design. |
A JetCat P-120 and a BobCat XL
make a great combination as John Redman proved with many flights on his. We get
many letters of compliment from modelers who John has helped get a good start
in jets. |
Kent Nogy is a JR and BVM rep and
does a great job for both. The JR sponsored twin RAM powered Rafale was
brilliant against the Arizona sky line as it executed vertical maneuvers that
strained even 20-15 vision! Great pilot - Great equipment. |
Michael Hempersly Jr from
Rosamond, California logged an average of about 9 flights a day with this
Viojett/BVM .91 powered Bandit. This model, that originally belonged to John
Redman, now has over 400 flights on it. The performance with D.F. power is
excellent. BV's balsa Bandit with VIOFAN and BVM .96 power is also a great
flying, lightly loaded model. |
Kevin Marks got pointers for
flying his BVM MiG-15 from Tony Frackowiak on early Friday and then enjoyed
some beautiful flights and landings during the remainder of the event. BVM reps
add value to our products - we are fortunate to have the best on our
team. |
The Arizona Jet Rally brings out
the spectators, the result of C.D. John Mangino and the club's efforts. The
noontime runway display of the models provided a great opportunity for the
locals to view the models close up. The kids were thrilled with the
jets. |
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Stevens won
the Best Finish Award with this Blue Angel Bandit. In his spare time, Chuck
captains an America West 757, the method of transport this year for the BVM
factory team. |
Bruce Faber acquired this great
looking Fury with P-80 power from Doc Moore and thoroughly enjoys flying it. As
you can see from these photos, the conditions to enjoy jet modeling were
perfect in Arizona. |
During the event, Jason Somes
logged dozens of flights on the BVM factory balsa Bandit with JetCat P-120
power. Just at the conclusion of Sunday's flying, BV had to borrow back his
BobCat XL from Tom Dodgen to team up with Jason for a little formation routine.
The BobCat XL and Bandit are very different models but can work together as
they demonstrated. |
Four generations of jet modelers
enjoyed the flying in Mesa. Here you see representatives of the two senior
groups. I am honored to enjoy the friendship of a true American hero, Col. Bob
Thacker. The Colonel flew a lot of different airplanes for the USAF including
the F-100 Super Sabre. |