the Heat Jet-Together
Lake Wales,
6-8, 2003

John Burdin and Steve Jaworski's concept of a small, low key
jet-together at the Lake Wales, FL. airport proved to be a great idea. It was
so attractive that even a few out-of-state jet pilots joined about 45
Floridians to enjoy our hobby at this super facility.

It wasn't even hot (by
Florida standards) and we were treated to a brief cool down thunderstorm in the

photos describe some of the BVM activity.
 Mike Weiss (right) got his first turbine pilot link time
on Dad's (Mitch) BobCat XL. The hook is firmly set, so we can count on seeing
Mike at many more events.
 Dr. Shani Studnik flies this colorful BobCat while
brother Ofek enjoys his Bandit. If the Bandit scheme looks familiar, that's
because it is a copy of the one Rob Lynch built a few years
 They don't get any prettier than this. Lacy and Natalee
Pischner joined their dad Francis at the Before the Heat event for some great
family fun. Oh yes! The BobCat XL is new and also beautiful - another product
of Vern Kramer's modeling efforts. |
 Dee Miller has been successfully flying his RAM 500
powered BobCat for about a year and seems to be enjoying it.
 John Banner's brand new Skyblazer Sabre really glistens
in the sun with its Metal-Kote finish. This is a great effort by John, and as
usual, the first flight was a success - hundreds more should be easy and even
more fun.