Jets Sobre San Luis. Río Verde Mexico May
16-18, 2008
skies and perfect weather were the rule in the Jets Sobre San Luis Event.
Little bit windy, but fortunately always aligned with the 5000X 85 ft paved
runway. Rio Verde was the host of the very first Jet event taking place in
Mexico. With the organization held by our modeler friend Jacobo Villalobos
and the incredible support of the modelers in Rio Verde, the event took
place in a very well organized manner, with a good climate and around 40
jet pilots coming from around a dozen states of Mexico. Pilots from
Culiacan, Guadalajara, Guanajuato, Veracruz, Mexico City, Monterrey, San
Luis Potosí and Queretaro drove to Rio Verde, some with a 12+ hour drive to
get there and have fun. We had the pleasure to receive a great USA pilot
that actually is a BVM field Rep, the visit of Rob Lynch was for all of us
an amazing experience. Rob made the trip with his Bandit packed inside a BVM
Jet Case, the plane made the trip with no scratches and fortunately with no
issues with TSA and customs in Mexico.
BVM´s product donation was used in a Raffle made on Saturday's dinner, many
modelers left the dinner with a smile on their face, while holding a brand
new BVM product (I was not that Lucky!!!). Thanks Patty for the support!!!
event was sponsored by the local government, a famous Mexican Actor (Alfredo
Adame) and the funds were donated to a Local school called Helen Keller
institute, that takes care of kids with special needs, so we had fun
and help this small children at the same time.
are looking forward for next year's event, hoping more pilots from Mexico
and maybe from other countries can join us. Mexican Jet community is growing
and such events really motivate new pilots to get into this breathtaking
Polo Ruiz and Mario
Martínez arriving to the event, getting everything ready for the first
flights. The facilities provided by the event made all modelers
comfortable and leaving us no excuses to get out and fly!!!
As in every jet
event, the BVM presence is really strong. Here some of the BVM planes
and their proud owners. From Left to Right: Rob Lynch, Polo Ruiz, Paul
Uriarte, Javier Ulloa (Totis) and Ernesto Jimenez. All planes were in
the sky more than once during the three day event.
Jacobo Villalobos,
the event organizer, had very busy days making sure all pilots, their
families and spectators had a great time. Of course he took some time
off to be in this picture with Rob Lynch!! Definitely his face says it
Rob Lynch made a
terrific job helping pilots with their planes and providing great
flying advices. Here Rob is helping Polo Ruiz with his 2 year old
Rob Lynch making his
traditional take-Off and getting inverted before retracting the gear.
For sure the crowd went crazy with his maneuvers, that included high
speed very, very low passes, knife edges and even a light hit to one of
the trees!!! The plane just got a little scratch at the wing tip.
Bobcat on final
approach, completing another successful mission. Fluorescent orange
really gives a great view of the model even on cloudy days.
Rob Lynch really
concentrated, here the runway can be appreciated very well, there was
more than enough room to fly. The pit officers were really helpful and
always taking care of our safety, this is a must in any jet event!!