Mid Atlantic
Jet Fly

May 26-27, 2001
and some demo flights at
the new and jet friendly
DCRC field in Germantown, Md on May 28th.

Probably because it is scheduled on Memorial Day weekend, this perennial event is less popular than it could be. It is a great place to fly though (Naval auxiliary landing field) and so the 30 some pilots who did make the trip, had a blast.
The weather guessers were full of gloom and doom but they were very innaccurate. We had 2 perfect days.

A wide concrete taxiway was available for the pit area and a nice venue for photo's. The F-100 and F-4 (with smoke) are BV's airshow favorites now - both were exercised at the Fentress N.A.L.F. located in Chesapeake, Va.

Len McIntosh received some help from Glen Robinson with a new VIOFAN powered Maverick.

The Malchione family was present and logged many flights, some by Dave Jr. with his Top Gun VX4 Phantom with RAM 1000 power. Lisa's beautiful smile outshines the trophy.

Dave Ribbe appears to be very happy with Monica. Oh yes, he did find time to show some "hot pilot stuff" with his balsa Bandit and pick up a trophy for it.

The Bandits were very active at Fentress. The two in the foreground (Dave Malchione and BV's) are powered by RAM 1000 engines. We use a throttle to throttle mix activated by the mix switch (JR10X) to reduce the power to 17 pounds of thrust and keep the speed under control.
Full power is used only for a show stopping take-off to unlimited vertical climb. Experienced jet pilots know how to respect this kind of performance and keep it in check.

Glen Robinson's Bandit at its second Mid Atlantic event.

BV and Tom Dodgen flew the BobCat and MiG-15 numerous times. BV's BobCat routine explores the entire flight envelope while Tom shows how smooth and graceful the MiG can be flown and landed. The RAM 750 in the MiG is one of the early varieties and has over 200 flights on it - not a glitch since we installed a U.A.T.

New DCRC field

These same two jets were flown at the brand new DCRC field in Germantown, Md. This 600 ft. asphalt runway facility has all of the ammenities for modelers and spectators and was completely funded by the county. Hopefully there will be a magazine article on how this was accomplished. The availability of suitable flying sites is the one limiting factor of our jet modeling sport.