
Safety Brief
Stop the Crashing
June 2007
 While most AMA Turbine Waiver holders do respect the rules and do exercise good judgment and responsible behavior, some do not.
 It is early in the '07 flying season and unfortunately there have been some serious crashes and resulting property damage.
 Most of these crashes could have been avoided if the operator/pilot had properly prepared the model and related equipment and flown it in a safe manner.
 The ability to contain and or extinguish a fire until professional help arrives is part of our responsible behavior. See August 2000 Safety Issues article. Getting the water extinguishers to the site requires possibly an all terrain vehicle (depending on the topography) and certainly a few physically fit individuals. If you don't have either available, then it is sensible to refrain from flying a turbine powered model during particularly dry conditions.
 Mishaps beyond a pilot's control can and do happen, i.e. radio interference. Thankfully, these are a rare occurrence.
 Please understand that we live in an increasingly litigious society, so if there is a mishap, posting videos of such on any website can be hurtful to our cause.
 If you truly enjoy this sport, please do what you can to protect it.