Jacobo Sevilla
Sent: Sunday, May 9, 2021 12:55 PM
To: Patty Generali
Subject: Saying Hola from Mexico
photo of my wonderful F-16. I got from you
over 10 years ago and it has been giving me great
times as a Pilot and Fighter lover.
for all your support and for been there all the
Jacobo Sevilla |

Dave Evans
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2014 2:30 PM
Subject: Old BVM F-16
BVM Team,
I’ve attached a few pics of an
“Old” BVM F-16 that recently got a makeover for your enjoyment.
I bought the airplane second
hand as an ICDF and flew it a bit on that, but then converted it
to EDF on 12S and flew it a few times. After an apparent FOD
incident on that power system that destroyed the intake, I
decided to convert it to turbine using the BVM turbine
conversion kit. I originally borrowed an EvoJet 90 that fit
well and provided great power, but since it was borrowed and
discontinued, I decided to pull the turbine before something
happened to it! It’s now got a Wren 54SS which is just about
perfect for it; lots of power and good on gas.
After all the work in
converting it to turbine, it only seemed fitting to spruce up
the outside as well, so I painted it to match the F-16 I’m
assigned in the 64 Aggressor squadron at Nellis AFB, Las Vegas
NV. I used Klasskote paint and Jerry Caudle did the transfers
from a bunch of photos I sent. I added panel lines to all the
flying surfaces using Chart Pak tape and primer prior to the
repaint and really like the effect.
I recently added a Demon
Cortex gyro and am looking forward to seeing how that works.
Thanks to you guys for
creating a product that is at least fifteen years old and still
flies great and turns heads at the field!
Dave Evans
**Notice the name on the
Canopy Rail of the real F-16.
Bob Violett

Luis Audomaro García Ceja
of Mexico City finished his turbine F-16 in the Thunderbirds scheme and is
using an AMT AT-180 for power. Luis's nine year old son Francisco is kneeling
next to the model.

Gordon Dickens modified his BVM
F-16 to accept a JetCat P-80. His unique paint scheme is based on a rare
Marines F-16.

Darryl Tarr is from Dubai, and a
Captain with Emirates Airlines flying a Boeing 777. He has placed 1st in the
Zimbabwean Nationals with his BVM F-16 powered by a BVM .91/Viojett

Tom Robertson built it and flew
it for 2 seasons. Tanks and missiles are BVM accessories. Mr. Takashi Komuro
now owns it and took this super photo with Mt. Fujiyama in the
On the ground at El Toro Marine
Corp Air Station or in flight, the Aggressor Fulcrum scheme Falcon is all
business. Every novice wants one but the BVM F-16 with Viojett/BVM .91 power is
for the more advanced flyer. Engine experience and crosswind landing technique
are a must.
This F-16 sports the latest
Aggressor scheme in light blue, dark blue and tan. The model won 3 awards at
the "Best in the West" for builder, John Redman and owner, Joe
Costello. |
