Congrats Robert Gebara!
We did the maiden flights on his brand new BVM EBandit
Evo 14S! The jet performed as expected - Guided by the
Spektrum IX20SE - with a cortex pro running at very low
Enjoy your new beautiful jet Robert!
Michael Sarysz
BVM Team Rep |
Hello guys
Just wanted to share some pictures from the annual
German Meeting in Schwandorf (Bavaria) Its an absolute
stunning site to fly and we always have some
professional photographers there.
As you know I took my all time favorite Electra and High
Viz Bandit with me. It's a blast showing what real
performance and efficiency looks like. I logged a bunch
of flights and the weather was perfect for 3 days.
I always have quite a lot of guys around me asking
questions after landing. Some never saw something like
this. Others ask how many of this BVM Jets do you have?
I just said you can never have enough of them!
Enrico Traby |

Andy Davis won the Sport
Performance award with his GFG eBandit evo at the EDF
Jet Jam event. Sean Gallagher assisted with spotting
duties for fellow teammates and was the airboss for the
3-day event. |

Hi Patty, Heather, Rob and BVM
Recently obtained a Evo eBandit with 12s power system.
It flies fantastic like always. Flying off grass runway
in western North Carolina mountains.
Keep up the good work.
Ritchie Holt |

Danny Serrato from California
is all smiles with his eBandit EVO.
This eBandit EVO is powered by a 14S 9er EVF Fan Unit.

Loving my
E-Bandit EVO! It’s simple to set-up, flies great, and
it’s easy to land at small fields. Another great package
from BVM!
Dantley Davis
Morgan Hill, California

From: George Kreyling
Date: 11/14/19 5:05 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Rob@bvmjets.com
Subject: 14s EVO eBandit
Hey Rob:
Just finished the first few flights on the 14s Viofan.
Performance is now similar to the turbine version; the
vertical is amazing. I am getting about 8 minutes flying
time and using 5500 mAh out of 7700.
14s is the perfect power system for the EVO!
Thanks for all the support.
George |

George Kreyling from Arizona was able to get the first
flights in on his new Go Fly Evo e Bandit. Plane is
running 12s power, Savox servo package and Jeti for
guidance. |
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