Monster Planes / 12
O'Clock High
October 24-26, 2013
F.T.E. hosted
the 6th fall
classic Monster Planes / 12 O'Clock High
event at Paradise Field Lakeland, Florida.
The pilot participation was good as was the
weather, producing a very busy flight line.
The local Imperial R/C Club, supports Frank Tiano's events with flight line coordinators
to help keep things orderly and safe.
Late October ushers in the first of Central Florida's "Fall" weather. It's the
beginning of our serious flying season.
here are some of the planes and pilots
representing BVM's participation.
Planes: F-16,
F-86, Ultra Bandit, Hawk, Albatross, and the MiG-15

Pilots: Bob Violett, Ray Johns, Dustin Buescher,
Greg Arnett, and Jose Morchek
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