Customer Hotshots
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Sal Faraj with his
Ultra Bandit evo at the New England Jet Rally event.
This UB evo is powered by a Jetcat 220 and using
Powerbox Core and Cortex Pro. Maiden went perfect! |

Hello Heather and Rob,
I have now 7 flights on this Ultra Bandit Evo. It is
equipped with a Kingtech 210, Jeti system, and a Cortex
pro. The plane is now perfectly set up and is on rails.
The UB EVO is super light and as a result is incredibly
nimble in the air. With the 210, throttle management is
necessary to stay below VNE. Landings are super easy,
full idle on final and lands like a trainer. Thanks
again for your continuous support and offering such a
wonderful jet.Arnaud Weber |

Patty, Rob & Heather,
I was able to maiden my brand new Ultra Bandit EVO and
logged several more flights this past weekend. I am
amazed at the precision flight characteristics and I am
happy to own the best sport jet on the market. It is
powered by a BadBoyzRC Swiwin 190 and guided by Futaba
18SZ and a Smooth Flight AR16. Thank you to everyone
involved in the order, build and shipping process. This
is a standout scheme that is already turning heads at
the local club. I can’t wait to get it out to flying
Chris Kaiser |

From: Erik Rudjord
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2023 9:08 PM
To: Patty <patty@bvmjets.com>
Subject: Ultra Bandit Evo
Today was maiden day for my new to me Ultra Bandit Evo.
It is Swiwin 190 powered, and guided by an IX20SE. It
was originally Steve DiMaio’s airplane.
Everything performed flawlessly, and it is an absolute
pleasure to fly. I was able to get 3 awesome flights on
it today, and am looking forward to many more!
Thanks for continuing to make and support these awesome
Erik Rudjord |

Flight Demo at the Vinton
County Airport and Air Show. Folks loved it and the paint scheme!
I have got to say that the
Ultra Bandit is the most precise flying jet I have ever had.
Terry Nitsch
and Sheila Nitsch from Columbus, Ohio with their
Ultra Bandit EVO at the Cleveland National Airshow.
Scott Yow and his beautiful Ultra
Bandit Evo, the Evo is powered with a K210 and guided
with a Powerbox Mercury and a Futaba radio. |

Terry Nitsch from Columbus, Ohio with his
Ultra Bandit EVO. This EVO is powered by a KingTech K210.

Addison Clark from Kalispell,
Montana is having a great time with his Ultra Bandit EVO.
It is powered by a KingTech 210 and guided by JR DMSS.

Hey Patty and BVM Crew,
We went out flying today and I was able to log 3 successful flights
on my Ultra Bandit Evo .... I am very pleased with the quality work
that goes into these models and how well they fly. Again thank you
for the outstanding work to bring us these top of the line models...
keep up the good work!!
Thanks, Josh Clark
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