March 1-4,

Florida Jets has grown to be the major event of its kind. 189 pilots from many countries enjoyed the festivities despite a seasonal frontal passage that dampened the flying for 2 days. But, with 5 days to enjoy the Lakeland Linder Airport facility, most of us logged our share of jet sorties.

Jet events are as much a time to share our hobby, exchange ideas and enjoy camaraderie with our jet buddies, as they are pure jet flying opportunities.

A hardy thank you to Frank Tiano and his staff for making Florida Jets so special.
Best Military (Runner-up) -
Scott Harris - BVM F-86 Sabre
Best Sport Jet -
Nick Smith - BVM KingCat
Best Sport Jet (Runner-up) -
Francis Pischner - BVM Bandit
Best Electric Jet -
Bob Fiorenze - BVM Electra
Best Electric Jet Performance -
Patrick McCurry - BVM Electra
Best Graphics -
Gordon Dickens - BVM F-86 Sabre
Special Recognition -
Jack Diaz - BVM F-100D
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 Dustin Buescher assisted Chuck Mikowski with this Aggressor III that is now powered by a BVM EVF "Drop-In" conversion. Chuck is very pleased with the results.
 The model was very professionally built and painted by Jerry Worth and sat idle for years until the EVF came along. |
 Simon and Nigel Parker came from England to fly there Bandit ARF with P-70 power. The BVM Jet Case allowed them to travel to and from without a problem. |
 Francis Pischner (Naples, Fl) and Nick Smith (England) took full advantage of the beautiful Florida sunshine on Sunday and burned gallons of Jet-A, Francis with his classic Bandit and Nick with his custom KingCat.
 Nick's KingCat with a "Kramer" paint job won the Best Sport Jet award. |
 Joey Tamez of JT's Hobby fame (Dallas, Tx) debuted his new custom painted Bandit ARF. Joey built, painted and rigged this model in 4 days! A JR10X is installed along with a JetCat P-70 for power. |
 Mario Martinez (caller) and Polo Ruiz (pilot) traveled from Mexico City with this Bobcat XL packaged in a Jet Case. Polo uses a JR10X radio for guidance. |
 Jack Diaz exercised 3 BVM Jets during the event, his twin Rafale, F-100D and an original classic Bandit, all powered by JetCats.
 Jack's personality is as entertaining as is his flying. |
 The Kramer's tent was full of BVM BobCats and KingCats. A new BobCat Composite (front) was put through the paces by Larry using AMT power. An exquisite paint job as usual. |
 Pat McCurry and Bob Violett are pleased with BV's one year old F-86 (80") with JetCat P-120 power. Pat rigged the model and both were pleased with the groovy flight profile. Pat will fly it in Pro-Am at Top Gun '07.
 This camo paint scheme was a NATO experiment in the late 50's but not adapted to more than a few Sabres. The model was built and finished by Graeme Mears. |


 Pat McCurry and Bob Fiorenze (Fio) prepare for another sortie with Fio's new Electra Jet. Bob demonstrated how slow this new sport jet can really fly with some super slow touch-n-go's.
 Flight prep is pretty simple as is the flight line equipment. Bring your model, Spektrum transmitter, connect the batteries to the ESC and take the runway.
 Robert Underwood of Naples, Fl stayed late on Sunday to take advantage of the sunshine and calm weather to log more flight time on his BobCat Composite. |
Vernon Montgomery showed off his F-86 Sabre (80") with recently added details. Pro-Mark rivets, raised panels, and nose art adorn this striking "Sword". |
 Mark Holowesko is rightfully proud of son Patrick's first flights on his Bandit ARF.
 Patrick earned his turbine waiver last year flying his great uncle BV's BobCat and Bandit.
 Model jets aren't just for guys! Pretty Tyessa Levesque of Hastings, FL is quite enthused and is planning a future in full scale aviation as a jet fighter pilot.

 The Electra debuted as a threesome at Florida Jets and logged many flights against the wind with pilots Pat McCurry, Bob Fiorenze and B.V. |
Action Photos |
photos courtesy of Joe McBride |
photos courtesy of Marcelino Irwin |
photos courtesy of FTE / Palmer Johnson |