Photo Gallery Thanks
to Gordon Dickens for contributing some of these photos. |
 Dustin Buescher and his dad Richard enjoy this sport as a
team effort. Watch for some hot KingCat flying by Dustin on an upcoming SKS
Video of Superman '04. |
 Monica and David Ribbe always have a good time at
Superman. This year David flew an early BVM F-16 and a BobCat.
 BVM is very proud to welcome Ad Clark Jr. from Edwards
Air Force Base, California to our in-the-field Representatives. Son of Ad Clark
from Kalispell, Montana (also a BVM Rep), he is a great jet model builder,
pilot and all around nice guy. A real asset to BVM and our customers.
 Ad posed here with BV's
original F-100D, now in its 5th season of service at Superman.
 David Reid, Vernon Montgomery, Rick Yelverton and Dennis
Lott are also known as the Mississippi Gang. The junior members (and super
pilots) were napping at photo time. The camera man will try to schedule a photo
around that next time.
 The highlight of the BVM presence at Superman '04 was the
official introduction of the F-86F scale competition jet.
 We were honored to win
two very attractive trophies for the "Best Scale" and "Pilots Choice"
 Powered by a JetCat
P-120, we believe that it will be a very hard-to-beat entry in any scale
contest. Some of the world's greatest scale modelers are already working on the
first kits.
flight envelope is "just right" to please the judges and its scale outline will
be hard to challenge. More on this later. |

 Robert Vess and Jamie Snipes traveled from North Carolina
to enjoy the event with their beautifully painted KingCats. We forgot to count
the number of KingCats at Superman '04, but we know that they probably
outnumbered any other single design. KingCat's are making all of us better
 The perennial winner of the Best Twin Powered Jet is Jack
Diaz. Two JetCat P-120's have kept this BVM Rafale in the air over Metropolis
for several years now. |
 BVM was contracted by a group at NASA Langley Research
Center to build this F-100F for a flight test project. The paint scheme was
improvised by BV with guidance from NASA for enhanced visibility. |
 This BVM T-33 sports an Artic Scheme with Metal-Kote
paint that beautifully reflects the bright sun. Tom Dodgen's very smooth flying
technique perfectly matches the "T" Bird's flight profile. Next year's event
might feature more time for these competition scale jets allowing them to fly
in less congested skies. |
 Wayne McKosker got assistance from BVM Rep Bill Harris
operating his KingCat. The model is almost a year old now with many sorties to
its credit. |
 The JR Bandit was built, painted and flown by Kent Nogy,
BVM Rep from Paso Robles, California. Also a JR Rep, Kent is extremely helpful
with JR parts and programming questions at many jet events. |
 Mike Pascoe, a Georgia Jets member, knows a lot about
model painting. His KingCat is evidence. |
 Dan Avilla's Artic Scheme F-100D is simply gorgeous when
backlit by the sun in a clear blue sky. He flew it many times during the week
long event and during "Scale Hour" on Saturday. This is one of the most visible
scale schemes that can be applied to the Hun. Dan and Skeet Hunt made the trek
from Victorville, California. |
 Also debuted at Superman '04 was the first production
BobCat Composite ARF.
Lott spent the week before the show at BVM getting it ready and then did a
fabulous job driving it dozens of times, even passing around the transmitter
during the show.
 This is
one of the four paint schemes available (click here for more BobCat Composite
info). |
 The Kramer/Pischner group from Naples, Florida were busy
demonstrating the new AMT USA electric auto start on this "400" powered
KingCat. Kramers won the Best Sport Jet award for this beautifully painted
model. |
 James Moody of the Georgia Jets group logged many flights
on his P-120 powered KingCat. James uses the Duralite Batteries so he doesn't
have to charge between flights. |
 Craig Gottschang of the Georgia Jets group truly enjoys
his F-4 Phantom. The scale wing tanks significantly improve
visibility. |
 Patrick Frost has quite a nice stable of BVM Jets. He
flew this F-80 multiple times at Superman '04. |
 This KingCat is powered by the awesome JetCat P-200 that
is now available. John Redman limited the thrust to 40lbs and that still seemed
too much, but it sure gave credibility to the structural integrity of this BVM
 The model has been
flying for a year as originally produced, but just to be sure, the boom
reinforcement kit was applied at the show (click for details on the KingCat
boom reinforcement). |
 The BVM pit area in front of the products display tent
was very busy. Our mission was to log as many flights on our many demo models
as possible. 'Hope many of you enjoyed the show. |