Engine Mounts & Straps


KingTech G series, a true Fuel
Start turbine, will start and run on Diesel, Kerosene, and JetA. G
series have both solenoid valves built into the front cover, with a
single fuel feed that eliminates at least 8 fuel connections
upstream to the turbine, making a clean engine install a very simple
task. |
Diameter: 82mm (3.22")
Length: 228mm (8.97") - including starter
Weight: 850g (1 lb 14 oz) - including starter
Maximum RPM: 162000 MAX
Thrust: 6 kg @ 15 C (13.22 lb @ 15 C)
Idle: 50000 rpm
Exhaust temperature: 700 C
Fuel Consumption: 195 g / min (6.88 oz / min)
Oil: 5%
Fuel: Diesel
Maintenance cycle: 25 hr USD300 |
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BVM # K-60G
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Engine Mounts & Straps
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