Especially Now
by Bob Violett
There are still
a few renegade individuals who fly jet model
airplanes beyond the AMA "Turbine Waiver" speed
limit of 200 mph. They further violate
the AMA Safety Code by flying too close to the
flight line at high speed. I say "Especially
Now" because the impending N.P.R.M. (due out in
February 2012) can still be affected by this kind of
irresponsible conduct, or, we can present a more
positive image.
Contest Directors and Leader Members please read
Letter to Turbine CD's and
Defense of Our Sport
If you want to be proactive in
helping to preserve our hobby as we have known and
enjoyed it, simply deny these "renegades" the use of
your AMA Chartered flying facility and their
attendance at AMA sanctioned events. It will
tune them up in a hurry.
This method of "self governing" has been proven to
work by Jerry Caudle, C.D. of Superman Jets about 12
years ago. The individual that Jerry
"tuned-up" by denying participation, soon became very safety conscious and a
good ambassador for our hobby. We need to
demonstrate to the FAA that we can self govern. |
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