Test Pilot
choose one wisely

Sometimes the owner of a jet gets so much time, money, and emotion invested in his high-end model that he prefers to have a more experienced pilot make the first flight.

For BVM jets, turbine or EVF powered, we suggest that Mr. "Good Thumbs" also have thorough knowledge of the BVM airframe, power plant, and multiple systems in the model.  Knowledge of the fuel system and supply, be it batteries or Jet-A, is paramount.  Even the best "Thumbs" can exhaust the fuel supply if he is short on the required "knowledge" and concern.

The test pilot should have your best interest and a successful landing foremost in his flight planning. 

BVM recommends that you choose a BVM Rep. for the task.  If one is not conveniently available, call us and we will help you get the right guy.

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