Pilot Proficiency Training
Electra on 10S Power
High Performance -
Cost Effective
Now even
better with ThunderPower |

65C 5S 2P 6600 mAh Saddle Cells |
We really
like these batteries for cool performance and
extended flight time. Our first chance to
really put these cells to the test in a 10S
configured Electra was Markham Park Jet Rally in November
The Electra weights 15 # with batteries installed and a static thrust
test yielded 14 1/2 + Lbs. of thrust.
Experience observers were impressed with the
vertical performance and 160-170 mph speeds.
We had some challenging crosswinds at the Markham Park event, so I
limited flight time to 6 minutes. Saving some
electrons for a possible go-around is our practice.
We used a single set of these 5S2P 6600 mAh packs
and a PowerLab 8 charger to accomplish 5 flights
with recharges amounting to:
The recharge time
of 25-30 minutes allowed the pilot (BV) to fly 3
other jets multiple times during a very busy day.
Electra + EVF ~2~ 10S
So Simple - So
for Pilot Proficiency
by Bob Violett
"Pilot Proficiency Training" is
what we called it in the Navy, and so that is my excuse
to sneak out of work a half hour early one day a week.
We have 10 ready-to-fly EVF jets at BVM, but the
quickest, lightest, and easiest to load into my
Suburban for the getaway is an Electra with EVF ~2~ 10S
power. This particular 6 year old model utilizes
BVM servo driven retracts further minimizing the support
equipment. The latest A7000 Retract Servo is a
great improvement to these mechanical retracts.
It's 60" span allows transport with the wings on.
So, you can see from the photo that to support a few
flights, you need very little equipment: the Electra,
transmitter case, LiPo travel case with 2 sets of
batteries and an E-Meter. Just in case, I bring a
tool box and a small bottle of C.A. and kicker.
At the field, it requires just 2 trips from the back of
the SUV to the flight line to position the model,
transmitter, and LiPo case. Recheck the LiPo's
voltage, load them in the model and then it's
"plug-n-play". I usually assign a purpose to each flight
i.e. practice a certain few maneuvers multiple times to
improve my flight demo routine. The ThunderPower
(2) 65c 5s 2p 5300mAh Saddle Cells allow 6 minute
flights and the (2) 65c 5s 2p 6600mAh Saddle Cells
provide 7 minute flights. If you are in the early stages
of gaining proficiency, dedicate the first flight to
practice approaches and go-arounds or touch and go's.
Summertime in Florida means 90-95° F in the afternoon and
that's OK for the equipment just described. The
design of the EVF-2's and -3's allows the motor and ESC
to run very cool, even 115°+ desert temperatures can't hurt
Now, with a year of experience and hundreds of flights
on multiple sets of ThunderPower 65c LiPo's, we haven't
injured a single pack. Of all of those in customer's
use, we know of 2 sets that dropped a cell. And, of
course, ThunderPower replaced them.
After-flight battery temperatures on a 90-95°F day will
be about 115°F. It makes sense to curtail flight
time by about 1 minute if you are operating at higher temperatures.
Jet pilots enjoy the personal satisfaction of a flight
presentation "well done". The Electra with EVF ~2~
10s power offers a simple and efficient way to
accomplish and maintain those skills. |
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