Elizabeth, Indiana

June 6 - 8, 2024

Photos and Text provided by: George Kreyling


BVM electric jets were well represented. As always Bob Belluomini did a fantastic job as CD. Except for windy conditions on Friday, the weather was perfect! If you’re interested in EDF jets it’s the perfect gathering.


George Kreyling

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(L-R) Enrico Traby, Kevin Petrilla, and George Kreyling
George Kreyling and Flight Line Boss Sean Gallagher with George’s eBandit. It’s coming up on 800 flights!
Doug Thomas from Huntsville Alabama with his Aggressor 2.
Originally built and flown as a flow ducted fan in 1998 converted to a 12s EDF in 2022.
Ken LaPointe from Narragansett, Rhode Island.
Pair of beautiful BVM Mavericks with 12s VioFans
Terry Nitsch with his 14s MiG 15
Enrico Traby came all the way from Austria. He keeps a 12s Electra in the States.
Bret Becker from Oakwood Ohio, 12s Viofan



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