Jets Over
Kentucky Week
July 3 - 9, 2011
It takes a few years to build an event. There
must be a suitable runway site and a town that
appreciates the influx of new business. Geographic
convenience to a large number of enthusiasts is vital
but surely the single most important ingredient is the
"key man" who wants and knows how to make
things happen. |

Lewis Patton is that key person for the
week of fun at "Jets Over Kentucky". The 155 jet pilots who
attended this event were unanimous in their appreciation of the
organization and sponsorship.
Photo Gallery
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Frank B. Zagotti's Xtreme Jets BD-5 was awarded the
"Best Civilian Jet" at Jets Over Kentucky.
Pictures by Rich Eichel |
Peter Harasiewicz flew his Kingcat, Bobcat XL, and
Bandit Arf at Kentucky jets.

Ali Machinchy and Rei Gonzales
enjoyed many flights on these
EVF ~3~12S powered eMiG
ARF's. Their formation routine
was extra special. |
Jeff Daley presented a BVM
T-33. We would like to know more
about this paint scheme. |
Kim Foster from
Mansfield Oh. built and painted this BVM 80" F-86 in the
Canadian "Golden Hawks" scheme. Kim added wing
extensions to fit the Canadian Mark 5 planform and
documented the scheme from a museum bird. Kentucky
Jets afforded Kim some practice flights for the upcoming
"Jet World Masters" in Dayton Ohio. |
Harris also took advantage of the runway and condition
at Kentucky Jets for practice for the J.W.M. with his
Cheetah powered 80"
BVM Sabre. The Flite-Metal
finish and details on Scott's Sabre are superb. |
It's a
good practice to get the trim flights accomplished on a
scale jet prior to the months of work required to
properly detail it for
competition. Kentucky Jets
provided a perfect venue for Greg Wright to do so. |
Note: A technical glitch with a
camera wiped out most of our photos of this event.
If you were there and can help us with credits and
photos of the BVM guys, we would be most appreciative and
add a cartridge of glue to your next accessory order. |
Contact Us
All graphics, photos, and text
Copyright 2011 BVM, Inc.
Use of graphics or photos without written permission from
BVM is
strictly prohibited. |