On a summer
day in 1991 Bob Violett is introducing Rob Lynch to the
inner workings of a JPX T-240 propane powered turbine
Bandit. The background reflects the jet friendly
R.C.A.C.F. Club field. |
Early 1980's Photo of production prototype (I think
kit # 2) ducted fan A-4 built when both Bob and Mike
lived in Maryland before he and family moved to Florida.
Photo was taken at Prince Georges RC field before the
madden flight.
I scarred both Bob and myself but the flight was
successful Including a near perfect landing.
Mike Grady |
This BVM F-4 was flown at FL Jets
2001 and it is still operating with an AMT Pegasus.
Roger Shipley, friend, and F-4 owner David Gladwin
presented it. |
Anthony Wiencek 1995 Aggressor II
Darlington Raceway |
Craig Wilson Aggressor II- Coral
Springs 1991 |
Anthony Wiencek and Keith Horton
Aggressor II's- NASCAR Boys |
Craig Wilson F-86 Virginia Beach
1990's |
Keith Horton, Fentress, mid 1990's |
David Ribbe and Chris Huhn Superman
~1993-4 |
22, 2003. Triple Tree had just opened, Tommy Dodgson was
kind enough to do an install on a brand-spanking new
KingCat, and we were out burning jet fuel.
The model
is still with me, 14 years later. It suffered a couple
of tough landings, but great engineering saved my bacon.
And now, with upgraded servos, radio, engine, canopy,
and stabilization it’s markedly better than the day it
was new.
My Dad
always said “buy cheap, buy twice.” Wish more modelers
understood that one! Not that I calculate these things,
but if I did, my cost-per-flight on this model would be
very low.
Since the
day we met at PGRC in the early 70’s, when you first
came up with the Scozzi-powered F-4, you’ve been an
innovator and a great friend to many - always gracious
with your most valuable asset: your time and knowledge.
You taught me how to build, paint and fly. What a lucky
guy! I shudder to think what modeling would be like had
you been interested in cars instead of airplanes.
Thanks for all
the great memories.
Eric Meyers |
Dawn and Steven Ellzey enjoyed their
custom painted KingCat from 2004. |
The Ellzey's also built, painted, and
flew these early BobCat and Bandit. |
BVM's General Manager, Patty
Generali poses with the Blue Angel F-4 at the Jets Over
Deland event in 2000. |
Vern and Larry Kramer showed
this AMT Mercury powered Bandit at the Jets Over Deland
event in 2000. Vern's craftsmanship and Larry's piloting
skills are exemplary. |
Craig at the Mid Atlantic Jet Rally in 1998 after an
early morning flight with the Bandit. See also
BVM History Page |
Bob ,
Here is to magic moments! A testament that BVM models
are built to last!
Attached you will see my BVM small Bobcat with a RAM
500 and my son Ricardo at Superman Jet rally back in
2001.Today he is an Aerospace Engineer, commencing his
engineering career with TEXTRON.
Couple weeks back I decided to update the Bobcat to 2.4
and fly it again. Yesterday was the perfect day and it
flew just like it did in 2001, fifteen years later and
still rocking! Awesome!
Cheers !
Frankie Mirandes
P.S. This is a photo from TG 2008
flying the F-80 with RAM power. Edgar Perez was my
caller then, and now he is a proud BVM customer. |
Marshal Emmendorfer's F-86 is on
the runway at Byrons, circa 1990-1991. |
This picture of Marshal Emmendorfer's
Viper (built by Jerry Worth) is also at Byrons only a
couple years earlier. |
A sport jet in the Blue
Angel scheme has always been Bill Harris's signature and
this Bandit "T" complete with panels and rivets and a
buffed clear coat has to be his best. Photo was taken at
Florida Jets in 1998. |
Eighteen Bandits and there
happy pilots were at Florida Jets 1998 event proving
that the Bandit is fast becoming the sport jet of
choice. Just ask any of these pilots what they think of
their all composite kit and how it flies -- BVM's best
advertisers. These
Bandits were powered by a selection of VIOFANS and BVM
.91 and .96's, the RAM 750, the AMT Mercury engines and
the JPX T260's. |
This BVM Phantom was powered by a
single AMT Pegasus turbine and it performed flawlessly
with Terry Nitsch at the controls. Photo was taken at
Florida Jets in 1998. |
BVM rep Rob Lynch is a very
very good aerobatic pilot and he kept his Bandit "V" in
the air constantly at the Florida International Jet
Rally in 1998. It utilizes the VIOFAN/BVM .96 power
package to perform convincing vertical maneuvers. Rob's
crosswind landings were always on the centerline - good
technique with a good design. |
Albert Araujo and Rei
Gonzales of R.A. Microjets attended Florida Jets International
event in 1999 to fly their newly painted Bandit. |
Bandits and P-80's were popular
at Best in the West event in 1999. Here, event organizers Kent Nogy and Dan Johnson, show off
there beautifully crafted models. |
Besides being a great pilot, Tim
Redelman is
also a great modeler as you can see. This Bandit has over 200 flights, first
with JPX power and now with the RAM 750.
This is from the Jets
Over The Heartland event in 1999. |
Mark Taylor from Arizon
Jet Rally in 1999, duplicated the F-16 he used to fly in the Air National Guard. It is
powered by a VIOFAN and BVM .91. |
Tommy Wood at Superman
event in 1999 flew
his F-4 at least a dozen times during the 3 day event. This photo taken just
after a late evening landing. In Naval Air, we called these "pinkies"
that's a night landing the easy way. |
Francis Pischner is
rightfully proud of his Bandit with the Bandito and spider tail art. It was
built & finished by Vern and Larry Kramer and flown 26 times at the
Superman event in 2000
with flawless operation from its AMT AT-180 (Mercury) powerplant. |
Joe Grice is rightfully
proud of his Rafale B-O1. This all grey scheme is the latest to be applied to
the French fighter. Joe opted to make the aircraft look like it had been used
for awhile with some very effective techniques.
Robert Clark assists
Joe to give us a glimpse of the Rafale's underside. The inboard missiles are
called MICA's (Joe's creation) the outboard missiles are termed MAGIC's and are
of BVM manufacture. The centerline tank and its pylon are from Joe's
This is from the
Superman event in 2000. |
Here you see representatives of the
two senior groups. Bob Violett is honored to enjoy the
friendship of a true American hero, Col. Bob Thacker.
The Colonel flew a lot of different airplanes for the USAF including
the F-100 Super Sabre. This photo is
from Arizona Jet Rally in 2001. |
A JetCat P-120 and a BobCat XL
make a great combination as John Redman proved with many
flights on his in the Arizona Jet Rally in 2001. We get
many letters of compliment from modelers who John has
helped get a good start in jets. |
Joe Rafalowski attended
the Heart of Ohio Jet Scramble in 2001 and showed off his brilliant RAM 750 powered Bandit. The Coverite Presto enhanced airshow scheme was very impressive in the sunny
sky. The color scheme is
borrowed from a Skyblazer F-100C, circa 1960 - a good match to a Bandit
planform. |
Gordon Dickens attended the Heart
of Ohio Jet Scramble in 2001 with his Jet-Cat P-80 powered BVM F-86F. This particular airframe was
built by Sam Leonard and features the extended - 40 wing. |
Pam and Dave Bloomer attended many of the mid USA events.
This photo is from Heart of Ohio Jet Scramble in 2001. Dave's Aggressor III with BVM .91/Viojett
power is a fine example of longevity and reliability of
this ducted fan combination - literally hundreds of
flights to its credit. |
Jerry Caudle with his Sabre at
the Superman Jet Week in 2002. |
The BVM Phantoms
wearing the VF-161 scheme are the products of Ad Clark from Kalispell, Montana
and Matt Carrol from Oak Park, California. Ad's was powered by an
AMT Pegasus SP while Matt's sported one of the JetCat P-160s. Both jets
have very impressive performance. The Vulcan gun pod on Ad's F-4 center pylon
was complete with sound and visual effects.
This photo is from the Superman Jet
Week in 2002. |
Jack's smile starkly contrasts the ominous rolling
thunder cloud approaching the field from the west. We think
that his smile reflects Jack's pleasure with the performance of his Rafale on
twin JetCat P-160 power. The engines worked flawlessly for dozens of flights
during the Superman Jet Week event in 2002. |
Black airplanes that can handle the sun are tough to
accomplish, but they sure can be beautiful. This scheme is borrowed (and modified) from a NAVY
Aggressor F-5. Multiple coats of black, multiple sun curing and block sanding
between coats. Then sanded and buffed out clear is a demanding, but necessary
process. Skin temperature reached 186° F on a 95° F Florida summer
day. |
All the way from Brazil, this superbly finished balsa
Bandit was built and flown by Celso De Santi during the Jets Over
Deland event in 2001. Celso powered his balsa Bandit
with a RAM 750+. |
Dave Valdez - your "wing man" at BVM enjoyed the 2nd
season on this BVM .91/Viojett powered Maverick Pro. The orange and white
scheme was borrowed from a Navy Skyhawk. This photo was taken at
the Jets Over Deland event in 2001. |
Terry Nitsch at the Superman event in
1998. His Bandit is powered by AMT Mercury. Its brilliant neon paint trim really
adds to his display of jet aerobatics.
In the background Vernon
Montgomery's BVM F-4 awaits take off clearance. |
Tom Dodgen and Sam Snyder (both
from Texas) teamed up for the first time to campaign Sam's trend setting
MiG-15 at the Top Gun event in 1999.
The extreme internal detailing of the cockpit,
gear bays, gun bays, speed brakes, flaps, and access panels did add some weight
but the RAM 750 engine and generous wing area and fat airfoil allowed this 24
pounder to handle the grass field quite well.
Rock Solid on the
approach, this MiG-15 is being landed by Dave Malchione Jr. while dad approves.
Both are great pilots and reps for BVM.
This photo was taken at
the Mid-Atlantic Jet Rally in 2000.
Commanding Officer of
VFA-87 (F-18's) Tom Huff enjoyed the Phantom flights
with his son Zachary during the Mid-Atlantic Jet Rally
in 2000. |
Bob photographed with 5 Sport
Sharks at Byron Originals event in Ida Grove, IA in
1986! Courtesy of Gerry Glier. |
Spork Shark in the
ready box at Byron Originals event in Ida Grove, IA in
1986! Courtesy of Gerry Glier. |
Red/Orange Viper powered by a
KBV82 in 1987. Courtesy of Gerry Glier. |
Behzad Pakzad with
the Aggressor in 1991 in Redmond, Washington. |
Seattle "Museum of Flight" First
Place F-16 in 1994. Courtesy of Behzad Pakzad. |
1988 Viper, owned and
flown by Daniel Hemming. |