Flat Finish Tune-Up
Materials & Techniques

  Flat cleared finishes like BVM applies to a few of our ARF models and as found on some Skymaster scale jets tend to collect dirt and smudges with normal use and handling.  We have found that a convenient way to renew these finishes is to lightly scrub the affected area with #3000 and #5000 grit pads and a mild detergent/water mix.  Our tests determined that the #8000 grit product works best on aluminum painted surfaces.

The blend line between the flat clear top, and the gloss clear bottom, is an area that needs occasional attention.

  After the wet scrubbing treatment, dry the area with paper towels and then a final wipe with a soft cotton cloth.  For your convenience, BVM is making these products available in sizes and quantities that fit the modeler's needs.  Always test any finishing process on a sample part before applying to the model.

(1) #3000 Abrasive Foam Pad
(1) #5000 Abrasive Foam Pad
(3)  3" X 6" Pieces
#8000 GRIT

Flat Finish Tune-Up Kit

part # PA-SR-0052   price  $28.00



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