Pilot Proficiency Training
Pilot Proficiency Training
Flight Safety
For Responsible and Safe
Flying Please Review
Editor's Comments
When reviewing these articles, please
allow for the many years that have passed since they were
first written. Some sources of equipment and products
mentioned may have changed. The messages about "SAFE
OPERATION" remains the same. |
While still in your shop, check that the control surfaces move in
accordance with the transmitter stick commands with the
gyro “OFF”. Now, check that the gyro corrective action
is in the proper direction on all 3 axes. Check with the
gyro selected to the low rate and high rate condition.
Move the models nose to the left, as if you were sitting
in the cockpit, and the rudder should correct with a
movement to the right. Check also the correct gyro
action in the roll and pitch axes.
It is BVM’s practice on a first gyro assisted flight to take-off with the
transmitter 3 position gyro assigned switch in the “OFF”
position. Climb to a safe altitude and trim the model
for the various flight configurations and speed. Then,
at a medium speed, turn the gyro “ON” to the “Low Rate”
position and check the trims and gyro for correct
sensing and flight stability. If anything is not right,
immediately select the “OFF” position with the
transmitter 3 position switch. You may even brief your
“caller” to do so if you prefer.
If all is good in the “Low Rate (gain)”, you can try the “High Rate”
operation. Fine adjustment of the “Low Rate” and “High
Rate” percentages can be dialed in after a few flights
in various wind conditions.
We generally utilize the “High Rate” selection for
landing, especially if the wind is a bit gusty and
crossed. As is always good practice in aviation; “err on
the safe side”.
Disciplined Jet Flying
A challenge to apply our skills.
Article by Bob Violett
Notice to all pilots of turbine powered aircraft.
The safe operation of turbine powered model
aircraft requires a higher level of experience in building, installation of
equipment and flying than other types of R/C models.
This is because a turbine powered model is
more likely to burn as a result of a high energy crash than a ducted fan or
propeller powered model. The myriad of reasons that cause other types of R/C
models to crash should be eliminated in a properly prepared turbine powered
model. Please exercise the utmost responsibility in this regard.
Should you not have the necessary experience,
consult with a BVM rep or other qualified jet modeler to have your model
checked before flight and get piloting assistance if required.
The most important emergency procedure to be
prepared for is to shut down the engine at the first sign of a control problem.
Brief your helper/caller to do this for you if you get too busy trying to fly
the model. Shutting down the engine, even just a few seconds prior to impact,
greatly reduces the chances of ignition.
All turbine flyers should be aware of the local conditions in
regards to their sensitivity to ignite. You should have water fire
extinguishing equipment on hand and be able to get it to a
crash site quickly. You should also have the local fire department telephone
number preset into a cell phone and call them immediately upon the first sign
of smoke or fire.
It is a
requirement of the Academy of Model Aeronautics that you have a current AMA
license and Turbine Waiver.
conduct all model turbine operations in a mature and responsible
Bob Violett
A.M.A. vs. F.A.A. -
Common Sense and
Some Good News
A.M.A. vs. F.A.A.
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