Adjustment to main gear
Use a flat
file to square-out the radii in the corners of the forward mount. Also remove
about .010" from the aft edge as the arrows indicates. This can be accomplished
with the mounts in the wing as you receive them. This procedure allows the main
gear unit to seat properly onto the aluminum mounts. Units manufactured after
June 1, 2001 have been adjusted at the factory.
We added an
extra air tank (BVM #4218) to the retract system to boost the volume that is
available to operate the 3 large cylinders. Simply "T" connect it to the fill
valve and store it in the fuse opposite the 16oz. header fuel
Firm Landing
 I wouldn't call it a "smash hit" but it
certainly was a solid planting on the runway at Mississippi. There was a fairly
stiff wind, about 45° cross, and I should have had a bit more power on for
the touchdown.
 The good
news is that the gear and its mounting system handled that "arrival" without
 It appears that the F-100
landing gear system will earn a reputation like the F-4's system. We certainly
tried to design it that way.
 Of course,
everything has its breaking (or bending) point, but BVM keeps the parts in
stock and has the machinery and trained personnel to service them when the need
Click here for some helpful pointers when
gearing up your F-100 Super Sabre.
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