Pricing | Color
Schemes | Features | Ultra Bandit Servo List |
JR 12X Datasafe File | Ultra
Bandit Hot Shots | Ultra
Bandit Update |
Setup File (Mode2) | Jet-Foam Cradle |
Hi-Flow Fuel System |
Fuel System Spring Clips
Comparison of Ultra Bandit to Off-Shore Products

The first 3 flights on Bob
Violett's latest favorite jet were accomplished on July 4th 2014.
This Ultra Bandit incorporates
some new products such as the BVM Hi-Flow Fuel System, the BVM
E-Brake V2, Spektrum High Voltage Servos and receiver, Cortex Gyro,
dual Duralite MAGNUM-ION batteries, and BVM's Jet Foam to secure the
fuel tanks. A KingTech 180G provides plenty of "push" for this 40
Lb. model.
The Ultra Bandit assembly and
operations manual (September 2014) covers all of these upgrades.
As witnessed many times on
BVMJets.com/Ultra Bandit Hotshots the Ultra Bandit enjoys a well
earned reputation as the "Best Sport Jet" in the industry.
The "Fly Navy Centennial" decor
is a BV designed commemorative scheme that celebrates 100 years of
Naval Aviation. Bob served as a junior officer and A-4 Skyhawk pilot
in VA-93 (Navy Attack Squadron Ninety Three) during a Vietnam
"Yankee Station" tour on the U.S.S. Hancock CVA-19 in 1967.

The Ultra Bandit is a "big
jet" as shown here with 5'10" Bob Violett.
Ultra Bandit
A Signature Series BVM Sport Jet
100 % Made In The USA
JR Servo Notice
The JR
DS8911HV Servos are no longer available.
The replacement servo is JR PSNX8931.
JR America for more information.
This affects the BVM Ultra Bandit.
In September 2014, we updated the Ultra Bandit and
manual to include new electronic products, installation
simplification, techniques, and reduced weight.
If you are considering a sophisticated turbine powered
jet of this size; presented here are some comparison
points between off-shore manufactured jets and the Ultra
Bandit that is 100% Made in our Florida, USA Factory.
Servo pockets and mounts in the wings and tails have
been enlarged to accommodate the latest SpeKtrum, JR,
Futaba High Voltage Servos. This reduces your time and
tools to accomplish. |
● |
linkages are absolutely defined in dimension and parts
supplied. |
● |
Rudder linkage torque rod mechanism is totally internal
and factory installed. No ugly arms and driver hanging
out. |
The USA made precision landing gear and struts/wheels
are test fitted into the model at our factory. They are
mounted with precision socket head cap
screws - not sheet metal screws. Carbon Fiber Flex Plate
mounting of the retract units protects the wing and fuse
from serious damage in the event of a hard landing or
off runway excursion. Simply change the Flex Plates and
get back in the air. |
Easy access to the landing gear mounts is provided
should these units or their mounting need service or
repair. Some of the off-shore products make this a real
challenge. |
● |
The Aerodynamically designed inlet system is completely
removable for total access to the fuselage. |
The Aerodynamically designed Carbon Fiber ByPass system
has the engine mount flanges that accept the BVM
Aluminum Flange mounts, molded on. |
The double walled Stainless Steel Tailpipe is a
precision fit to the ByPass for efficient and cool
operation. Most off-shore made jets have much less than
proper design in this area - so expect less efficient
thrust numbers and hotter operation. |
When the Ultra's singular top hatch is removed, all of
the Kevlar molded translucent fuel tanks and the BVM UAT
are visible. You can watch the fuel level rise in the
tanks during the fueling process, and then after flight,
you can observe what fuel remains. This is impossible
with some off-shore made products. Any air bubble trap
system that is not translucent and easily visible seems
to be missing the point. Most so called "engine
problems" are traceable to fuel system problems. The BVM
Ultra Bandit and its new (2014) "Hi-Flow" Fuel System
properly addresses all of these issues. |
important part of all BVM jets design is access and
serviceability. Our 30 years of experience is applied to
each new product and updating the established ones. The
BVM Ultra Bandit is exemplary of this commitment. |
Fit and Finish - this is where BVM really shines.
High metallic painted areas require some very special
techniques to look as good as your robot painted new
car. BVM knows how, some off-shore operations don't.
They might be better to avoid the metallic's. |
Experienced BVM employees, sand, fill, and finish the
Ultra Bandit fuselage seams, Top and Bottom.
This is rare on an off-shore made sport jet. |
Paint scheme design: BVM likes real "Aviation" inspired,
High-Viz schemes. Our sport scheme designs emphasize
attractive, brilliant colors, and we stock the touch-up
paint and tutorials on how to patch and blend. |
The Bob Violett Signature Series means just that, B.V.
personally inspects each Ultra Bandit before his
signature is applied and then it is meticulously
packaged for shipment. |
The BVM Ultra Bandit now has a ten year history of being
the absolute best sport jet in the industry. See
www.bvmjets.com/Ultra Bandit Hotshots for many
customer testimonials. |
Of course, the Ultra Bandit costs more. BVM
maintains a full production 14,000sq ft facility in
Winter Springs, Fl. There is nothing like this in
the R/C industry remaining in the USA. Our 18 US
citizen employees are paid American wages. Many have
been with us for 20+ years. It's our way of life and
we love what we are doing. |
- The Ultra Bandit is flight
test proven to endure 200 mph and extreme aerobatics.
- It has a generous wing
area with built-in washout for very stable slow flight and landings.
- Large control surfaces
for “square corner” aerobatics.
- Extra large landing
flaps delete the need for speed brake devices and allow very slow landings.
- Model grass field
suitable - because it is big and powerful, it can take off and land in short
- Easy field assembly -
We designed the 98” long “Ultra” for quick assembly, allowing
convenient transport to the model field. There are 2 screws and 2 servo connections
per wing and stab and just 2 set screws for the fin, and if necessary, the
aft fuse section can be removed with 4 set screws and 3 servo connections.
With the wings removed, the Ultra Bandit will fit into many SUV’s. We make a special Jet Cradle to make your Ultra even easier to
transport and work on.
- One generous size hatch
on the top of the fuselage allows access to radio, fuel system and the engine,
and make fuel and electrical connections, etc..

- For total access to the
engine and fuel tanks, and, to further reduce the transport size of the "Ultra".
The aft fuse detaches as shown. The stainless steel tubes and machined aluminum
receptacles are factory installed for perfect alignment.

- In the interest of simplicity
and low maintenance, we designed the main struts and gear mounting to eliminate
the need for inner wheel well doors. By design, the main wheels are flush
with the bottom wing skin in the retracted position. This technique is used
on the Boeing 737 and some corporate jets.
- The heavy duty retracts
and struts are specifically designed for the “Ultra” and can handle
the loads.
The Single Seat Canopy Hatch
accepts (1) 1/5th Scale or 1/6th Scale Pilot
The Dual Seat Canopy Hatch
accepts (2) 1/6th Scale Pilots
- Vacuum formed and resin
molded plastic parts provide a quick-to-assemble and convincing cockpit
interior. The clear canopy is of quality that only BVM can produce.
- Fin Shape - Swept or
Standard, your choice.
- Fuel System design -
no C.G. shift with burn-off.
- No ballast is required,
even with the Big Engine version. Battery pack location can be adjusted for
fine tuning the Center-of-Gravity to fit your flight style preference.
- Surface hinges are factory
installed for the elevators, ailerons and flaps. The rudder is center hinged
with machined carbon fiber parts, because that is best for this control
- The rudder torque rod
linkage is factory installed and disengages with fin removal. Factory installed
machined aluminum brackets retain the fin and stabs. The rudder servo
is installed in the fuselage avoiding any external linkage.
- The optional under wing
tanks add to the pleasant appearance and visual orientation of the “Ultra”
and are extremely easy to put on and remove. Just a pull on the EZ Hangar
trigger, that’s it. The pylons are molded onto the tanks as a one piece
- Wing Hard Points (for
external tank mounts and bomb pylons) - Factory installed with pilot holes.
- Factory painting
techniques produce a seamless ARF fuselage.
- Telemetry
System (optional) provides real time data throughout your flight. They provide airspeed, altitude, G-forces and many other
parameters when used with a pitot tube and the BVM pitot tube mount This
faired mount also supports speed limiting devices.
- About 50hrs of assembly
gets you in the air. Most of that time involves mounting the radio and engine
- And the best part of
all is the Ultra’s flight profile, it is unmatched in the world of sport
jets. From its super stable slow flight, and in-the-box aerobatics, to its
all out high speed and accurate knife edge, the Ultra Bandit will prove to
be the favorite of serious jet pilots.
The people of BVM say “It’s
our best effort”, and we are proud that we make all of it in our Florida,
USA factory.
All Composite Structures

Your Ultra Bandit Building Team
90% of the multiple color paints are applied in
the molds.
Then epoxy imbedded laminates of E-Glass, Kevlar,
Carbon Fiber, and Airex foam are precisely hand layed in the molds,
then vacuum bagged and oven cured at just the right pressure and
After demolding, the fuselage top and bottom
seams are meticulously hand finished and painted. The entire model
then receives a machine buffing and a detailed quality control
Proud Of Their
The Ultra Bandit is 100%
manufactured in our WinterSprings, Fl. factory and these gentlemen
are justly proud. They know that the Ultra's reputation for
being the "Best in the World" is the result of their talents and
This Navy Trainer scheme is popular lately because it is military and
Smith, Gregg A
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 2:35 PM
Receipt of my Ultra Bandit
First off, everything
arrived in perfect condition last Friday.
I was certainly amazed
when I unpacked everything over the weekend! I had every
intention of starting the build, but mostly read the manual,
stared at the quality of engineering, design & workmanship. Then
I had friends over and they stared at it too. None of us have
ever seen anything like it. You might get tired of hearing it-
but your products are truly the best in the industry & I want to
thank each and every one at BVM for the quality put into my
I’m not sure how I ended
up with a Bob Violett Signature Series jet (nor ever seen one
before), but it sure added to the WOW Factor for me.
Thanks again- I’ll send
a few pictures when I finish staring at it and actually finish

# K7300-51
Ultra Bandit Single Seat Canopy Hatch
with Cockpit Interior
Ultra Bandit
in Action
Bandit Servo List :
DX18 Setup File (Mode 2)
Jet-Foam Cradle
Schemes :
Click On Images
To Enlarge
Hi-Flow Fuel System
K7300 |
Ultra Bandit Single
or Dual Seat |
$9,775.00 |
Big Engine
Class painted airframe, clear canopy and cockpit deck
(single or dual), plans, instructions and hardware |
Turbine Installation System |
$675.00 |
BVM high temperature Carbon Fiber ByPass, doublewalled
Stainless Steel Tailpipe, and mounting hardware.
NOTE: The components of this system vary with engine
brand and thrust. |
K7300-34 |
Fuel System (4.8 L) |
$525.00 |
Includes 3
Kevlar conformal fuel cells, all Hi-Flow U.A.T., tubing
and hardware. |
K7300-32 |
Fuel System (6.2 L) |
$600.00 |
Includes 3
Kevlar conformal fuel cells, all Hi-Flow U.A.T., tubing
and hardware. |
Sample Package Price - $12,625.00
NOTE: Price based on pneumatic landing gear. |
Navy Grey + $500.00
Thunderbird + $1,300.00
Custom Color + $400.00/color |
K7300-40 |
Wing Tanks (painted to match) |
$550.00 |
TA-SR-1013 |
Hi-Flow Overflow Tank |
$47.95 |
Bavarian Demon Cortex Pro |
$299.00 |
PA-SR-0043 |
Fuel Vent Plug |
$8.75 |
PA-SR-0071 |
Jet Foam |
$23.95 |
PA-SR-0064 |
Fuel Pump Mount |
$5.95 |
V-WB Jet Pilot |
1/6th Scale WarBird Pilot
$94.99 |
V-WB15JetPilot |
15" Warbird Jet Pilot -
$139.99 |
PA-QC-0001 |
Anti-Static Additive |
$13.95 |
6827 |
Pitot Tube Mount for airspeed
sensor |
$31.95 |
Bob Violett Models Inc. 3481
State Road 419 Winter Springs, Florida 32708
USA tel 407-327-6333 fax 407-327-5020
www.bvmjets.com |
Contact Us
All graphics, photos, and text
Copyright 2018 BVM, Inc.
Use of graphics or photos without written permission from
BVM is
strictly prohibited. |